Summerschool 2023

The first Summer School will take place from 17 to 21 July 2023 in Koblenz and Remagen.

The aim of the two summer schools on "SafeKI and Data Governance in Clinical Decision Making" and "Wireless and IoT Sensor Networks and Cloud Infrastructures in Healthcare" is to bring together established scientists, young researchers and representatives from industry for professional exchange.

Through lectures, discussion forums, experimental laboratory work in small groups and informal discussions the cooperation between industry and science is to be strengthened.

Here you can let us know when you will attend the Summer School.

Route description:




Time Schedule

Tuesday, 18.07.  Wednesday, 19.07.  Thursday, 20.07. 
Koblenz - University, Aula D 239
Koblenz - RheinMoselCampus  Remagen - RheinAhrCampus 
9:00 - 9:15
Opening Remarks
Prof. Dr. Maik Kschischo
Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer

09:00 - 9:45
Smart Hospital -
Shaping the future hospital with AI

Dr. Jil Sander,
Department of Digital Transformation, Project Manager SmartHospital. NRW UK Essen

09:15 - 10:00
Deep Learning in NeuroImaging
Prof. Dr. Martin Reuter ,
DZNE Bonn Germany and Harvard Medical School
09:45 - 10:30
From practice for science - experiences with digitization in two German hospitals  
Prof. Dr. Christof Schenkel-Häger, 
Marienhaus Group & HS Koblenz  
 09:15 - 10:00
"On the formalization and analysis of medical processes in the context of knowledge and artificial intelligence"
Prof. Dr. Patrick Philipp, 
HS Koblenz
10:00 - 10:45
Artificial intelligence in the field of pathology

Dr. Sebastian Försch,
University Clinic Mainz
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:45
"Can Large Language Models Help Me Understand My Patient?"
Dr. Anja Pilz,
Damedic GmbH, Köln
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee break
11:00 - 11:45
Platforms as pioneers of data driven healthcare?
Admir Kulin,
m.Doc GmbH, Cologne

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 - 12:00
Data Synthetisation for Deep Learning in Linear Systems
Prof. Dr. Anselm von Gladiß,
Universität Koblenz, Active Vision Group

11:45 - 12:30
Personal Digital Medicine – 
Data-driven therapy control and treatment of chronic diseases

Artur Schens, 
Tobias Hastenteufel,

Qurasoft GmbH
 11: 15 - 11:45
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Tamara Raschka,
Fraunhofer SCAI, St. Augustin
12:00 - 12:45
clinalytix -
Predicting complications in clinical practice

Laurent Meesseman,
Product Manager | clinalytix Medical AI
Dedalus HealthCare GmbH – Gent

Lunch break
11:45 - 12:30
Models meet Data: Current challenges and opportunities in industry
Benjamin Engelhardt,
Abbvie AG Ludwigshafen

 12:45 -13:30
Type of care Digital practice  
Dr. Olaf Gaus,
Digital Model Region Health Dreiländereck,
Faculty of Life Sciences, 
University of Siegen

12:45 - 14:00
Lunch break
13:30 - 14:30
Lunch break

 14:00 - 16:00
Michael Monreal und Philipp Wendland
14:30 - 16:30
Alina Burgert and Christoph Latz
Evening Event - Debeka Hauptverwaltung Barbeque at Campus Remagen
Welcome Reception at Stattstrand Koblenz

Welcome by the head of Forschungskolleg

Welcome by host Debeka

Welcome speech by Minister Clemens Hoch

  18:15 - 19:00
Keynote Lecture -  Unleashing the Power of Medical Expertise for Machine Learning in Healthcare
Ali Sunayev,

Networking and presentation of the PhD Students