Data 2 Health Research College

Data-driven support for clinical decision-making and patient monitoring requires trustworthy analysis of healthcare data. In the Data2Health research college, six PhD projects are exploring new approaches to data transmission, delivery, and predictive analytics. This includes trusted edge cloud methods, wireless systems and trusted AI methods, and concrete AI applications in precision medicine (prediction of severe damage in hospitals and early detection of pressure sores) for clinical decision support. These complementary IT approaches will be linked in a holistic approach with questions on data sociality and data governance to also better understand preconditions for the acceptance and trustworthiness of data-driven services in healthcare.

Project Partners

Logo Uni Koblenz   Logo HS Koblenz   Logo Ministerium Logo IFGPZ


Universitätsstraße 1 
‌56070 Koblenz


+49 261 287-2646

Contact University

Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer
Professor for E-Government in the Faculty of Computer Science


RMC: ‌ ‌
‌Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 ‌‌
‌56075 Koblenz ‌ ‌‌
‌RAC: ‌ ‌
‌Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2 ‌‌
‌53424 Remagen


+49 2642 932 330

Contact University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Maik Kschischo
Professor of biomathematics with a focus on medicine and biology